Gabriel Tejeda

Gabriel Tejeda

Monday, July 18, 2011

6th Month Anniversary Part

…the Kiss.
That is all I was thinking about when I looked into her eyes and she curled her hair on her finger. That’s what I was thinking when she stood there smiling at me. A kiss. It didn’t really matter how I got it as long as I got it. I will not start my year off without a kiss.
It’s a funny thing, I got really comfortable with her.
It was getting close to midnight, 2011 would soon start. Stephanie’s mom brought down some hats, glasses, beaded necklaces, New Years stuff. I put on a hat, some badass glasses, got some pictures taken with some friends
  and then when it was 12:00am, everybody counted down and partied, people turned up the music and everybody was hugging everybody. I hug some of my guy friends and I hugged some of my girl…friends.
Then when I saw Abby I looked at her and I smiled. Have you ever seen those teenage movies when a guy and a girl are looking at each smiling or not smiling and everything is in slow motion? This wasn’t one of those times. I looked at her and said happy new year! I gave her a good hug and then I went along my business. I wanted to kiss her. But damn, imagine how that could’ve looked with us in the middle of everybody. We would’ve been the talk of the school till the end of 2011! It’s a lot of pressure and I wasn’t used to it.
I’ll get that kiss sooner or later.
Once the party started to die down around 1/1:30 people started to leave and the people who stayed just chilled for a bit on the couch.
More people started to leave and we helped pick up a little bit. The others took the trash upstairs but Abby and I stayed downstairs sitting on an Island couch thing.
It was just Me. And her.
I made small talk about how the party was pretty good and I thanked her for the ride home. I inched a little closer-but with subtlety! I didn’t wanna come on too strong but still give her a sign that, you know, I wanna make out with her! I even got my face about a half an inch closer to hers…but nothing! Nada! Zip! Ningun cosa! She’s tough…but maybe she’s worth it…
(sorry but there will be a part 4)

Des Moines BBoy

Saturday, July 16, 2011

6th month Anniversary part 2

...where did I leave off?

Okay I got it.

It's the end of the day at our restaurant and I'm texting Abby and she tells me that I should come to the party so I could see her and hang out. I thought that was a good idea and I wanted to do it. I told my parents that a girl named Abby wanted to hang out with me at a New Years Eve party tonight. I think they were really happy to hear that I was going out, finally. I didn't go out too much with friends and I didn't go to many parties. That night was my first real party that I went to with a lot of friends and New Years.  My parents told me they could drop me off because they were gonna go to a party too and since Stephanie lived in a rich suburb called West Des Moines (or Waukee) it wouldn't be much of a hassle because they were going that way too. Abby agreed to give me a ride home. Nice.

I went home to get ready for the party and Abby tells me that there could be a possibility that I couldn't go, because Stephanie already had a certain number of people coming(or maybe she just didn't want me to come because I'm not cool enough?).


She told me not to worry and that she could take care of it, I told my parents that there would be a possibility that  I couldn't go and they immediately started giving me pity and all that shit. If I couldn't go, this would be a real bummer. But thank God Abby worked it out with Stephanie.

I arrive at Stephanie's house and I get welcomed in and I go downstairs where the party will be held. I get welcomed by the other girls. I sit down and I wait for Abby to arrive. The party gets started as more people come in. I am a little reserved but once I get comfortable with everybody I like to feel like I'm the life of the party. When Abby comes down and see me sitting on the chair, she extends out her arms waiting for a hug, I smile and hug her. She looks hot. She's wearing these yoga pants or leggings or whatever, either way they make her ass look nice! I talk to her for a bit and then I talk to some other girls as the party gets to be more lively.

I leave Abby to talk to her friends and at one point I'm sitting on the couch surrounded by a bunch of girls. Abby, Laurie, Grace, Sara, I think Shelby and Hannah. Abby is in front of me or beside me. I remember both times. I think when Abby was in front of me was near the beginning of the party and when she was beside me was later on. I talk to her directly and she looks straight at me. I notice her beauty.

There's this thing about Abby and maybe about most people, but there are some certain angles that make her look gorgeous and other angles don't. I'm sure that's true about most people but when I see the gorgeous angles of Abby, I get more interested. *Don't get me wrong, she's beautiful all around*  This gravitational pull kind of scares me so I get up and I talk to some of the guys and joke around with them, I talk to some other girls.

*Okay just for the record, when I talk to girls it can also be mistaken for flirting, so in a way, I'm flirtaking? flirtalking? Idk.*

We're about and hour into the party and it's 12:00 is coming. I see Abby getting up from the couch and she comes over to me. We make some sort of small talk and this small talk kinda isn't small talk anymore... I notice that she's looking right into my eyes, she's planted her foot in a way that says: I wanna talk to you, and she's twirling her hair around her finger...

If I've seen enough movies and read enough articles, all those signs are signs that she's interested in you. And so am I. I get really interested in her. I like her. She's fun to talk to, so far we're interested in a lot of things together, we have some things in common. I start to really like her. I want to kiss her.

So I promised myself that I will not go home without a kiss and if I do, then beat me till I'm numb, God.

I focused all my energy on getting that kiss...
This is Me and Abby : )

*hopfully it's good enough quality

6th Month Anniversary Part 1.

Friday July 15th was my sixth month anniversary to my girlfriend, Abby. I know some people will think that we're just a couple of fools, high school sweet hearts, and cheesy. But the thing is, this small milestone is important for us. Because so much has happened in six months. It's a love story for me. Probably for her too.

December 31st, 2010: That night my restaurant was about ready to close and I had been talking to Abby pretty much the whole day. Weeks before she had asked me out to the Winter Formal dance at our school. The girls ask the guys and the girls pay(woo hoo)! She didn't ask me in a cheesy way like writing me a poem or writing stuff on the car I don't have or singing me a song. She just asked me straight up after Spanish Class (we had that class together and a photo class), "Do you have a date to Winter Formal?"

I thought about the girl I had a thing with at the moment, but I wasn't really interested in her and she hadn't asked me yet.


"Well...wanna go to Formal with me?" She asked it confidently like she knew she was going to get a yes.

So I smiled and I said yes. She made me put my number in her phone, I joked about it(can't remember the joke) and I told her I'll wait for her text. She left as she bit her lower lip and said Okay.

I thought it was cool that Abby had asked me out. I actually thought no girl would ask me, because no girl had asked me last year. And if I recall, in Spanish class, I'm pretty sure I joked about how no one would ask me to Formal and my teacher burned me...whatever.

That was the beginning of our relationship. Abby and Gabe. It felt awesome, new, and weird. I know I had flirted with her previously on occasional times, but I didn't think it actually worked.

So after many texting, talking in class, getting to know each other, going on winter break,  she tells me about a New Years Eve party at a friends Stephanie's house...

Friday, July 15, 2011


I'm not going to a real college, like Iowa State University. I'm going to study online. The school I'm going to study online from is called TecMilenio. Its campus is in Mexico in a big city called Monterrey. The reason I'm going is because I can't pay for a real college. One year at Iowa State costs about 15,000 U.S. Dollars; One year at TecMilenio costs about 18,000 U.S. Dollars. I'll be able to finish in three years with a degree in Marketing and Advertising.

It kinda, really, absolutely sucks that I cannot attend a University. I've grown up around a bunch of kids that know they HAVE to go to college because their parents went to college. My parents didn't. My mom didn't even finish high school, my dad dropped out of college after one year.

I've watched soooooo many movies, and I've seen a lot of movies about college and how fun it's supposed to be and how the students get to have roommates and how you get to live on your own pretty much. The students are away from their parents and their siblings. All of that I will not get.

I've heard that college is the best four years of your life. High school was great, but college is better. I'm going to watch all my friends, my best friends and my girlfriend go to college and have fun, while I stay at home with my parents, rooming with my brother and not going to college parties and not seeing my girlfriend every day, and not hanging out with my best friends and not getting the college experience. It saddens me.

Why me?

I mean, what does God want out of me from this. Is my life supposed to suck this badly so that *if* i make it through this jungle i call my "college years", my life will be, amazing? ...I just hope so.

I hope that after three years of reading a bunch of Spanish and studying online from my Macbook Pro (that i got for college, and was actually a compensation for not going to real college) that I can use my degree to get a job and I can live with my girlfriend in an apartment in downtown Des Moines or something. I just want to be with her.